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Privacy Policy

1. Our Privacy Policy

The website (hereinafter CasaPedrosa) is owned by ASORDEP SL with address at Calle Nuria 36 planta 1ª, 28034 Madrid (Spain) and technologically supported by


This Privacy Policy establishes the basis on which the site will treat all information or all personal data that is collected from users, or that you provide us.

Our information collection practices in relation to the website are described below. In order for you to fully understand your rights, we recommend that you read this Policy carefully. Every time you use the website, you will be subject to this Policy, so you should review it every time you use the site.


CasaPedrosa reserves the right to modify this Policy at any time, in whole or in part, as described in point 15

2. What is a personal data

A personal data is any information related to an identifiable or non-identifiable person. In this sense, it is necessary to specify that the IP address from which users connect to the internet and use services or buy products, is considered personal data.

3. New regulatory framework for personal data

The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is the new legal framework in the European Union that will replace the current Data Protection Directive. The GDPR seeks to protect personal data and the way organizations process, store, and ultimately destroy it, when that data is no longer required.

4. Rights of our users regarding their personal data

In general, the GDPR recognizes eight rights to your personal data:

  • Right to be informed: Provides transparency on how your personal data is used.

  • Right of access: Provides access to your data, how it is used, and any supplementary information that may be used together with your data.

  • Right to rectification: Grants the right to have your personal data rectified if it is incorrect or incomplete.

  • Right to be deleted (or right to be forgotten): It is the right to have your personal data deleted from anywhere if there is no compelling reason for it to be stored.

  • Right to restrict processing: Allows your data to be stored, but not processed.

  • Right to data portability: You can request copies of the information stored about you, to use anywhere else.

  • Right to object: Grants the right to object to the processing of your data.

  • Right to make decisions and create automatic profiles: Allows you to object to the automatic decision-making made about your personal data.

For the execution of the previous rights on your personal data, please inform us through the contact form of or by email to the address

5. What information is collected from our website?

CasaPedrosa does not collect personal information from our users without their direct consent. This is so because CasaPedrosa does not offer subscription services or allow the reservation of apartments directly from the website automatically (without human intervention).


However, when you make a query or reservation on our website using the contact form, as part of the apartment reservation and information process, certain personal information is collected such as your name and surname (or the username you indicate), address email and country level location.


The same process above can be done directly in communication with our mailbox ( Since there are special discounts for certain groups, such as large families, in addition to the above data, information such as contact phone number and documentary evidence of membership in said group can be collected. Finally, for the formalization of the reservation it is customary to make a deposit for the reservation by bank transfer, the proof of said transfer being sent to the same email address.


Whether using the web contact form or writing directly to the mailbox, the information collected is stored on the Google-owned mail server, with the security measures that the owner of the service offers.

6. Why is personal information collected from our website?

We collect personal and non-personal information for the following purposes:

  • To provide and operate our services.

  • In order to contact our visitors and users with general and personalized notices related to the service and promotional messages.

  • To create aggregated statistical data and other aggregated and / or inferred non-personal information that we may use to provide and improve our services.

  • To comply with applicable laws and regulations.

Your personal information will be used only for the management of reservations, resolution of doubts, requests for information and inquiries. In no case, the information received is extracted, or shared, or transferred or sold or made available to third parties by any channel or via.

7. When is information collected from our website?

CasaPedrosa collects information at two different times:

  • Simply when browsing the website, both the portal platform that supports the service of our website (, and the analytical tool that we use to know our audience (Google Analytics) generate a series of cookies with information from the visit that is taking place and which will be discussed in detail in the following points.

  • By using the web contact form or sending information directly to the mailbox as part of the information and reservation process as detailed in the previous point.

8. Cookies

A cookie is a small text file that a website places on your PC browser, telephone or any other device, with information about your navigation on that site.

Cookies are necessary to facilitate navigation and make it more user-friendly, and they do not harm your computer. Although the general term of cookie is used in this policy as it is the main method of storing information used by this website, the browser's "local storage" space is also used for the same purposes as cookies. In this sense, all the information included in this section is equally applicable to this “local storage”.

9. Types of cookies

Cookies can be classified in different ways depending on their origin, duration and purpose. In this regard, you are interested in knowing that CasaPedrosa does not generate any type of cookie of its own, for any purpose.

The cookies used by the CasaPedrosa website are those derived from the technological platform that supports our service,, and those of the Google Analytics tool that are detailed in its corresponding section.


Our company is hosted on the platform. provides us with the online platform that allows us to offer you our apartments. Your data can be stored in databases and general applications through secure servers behind a firewall.


CasaPedrosa has no responsibility in the use that WIX makes of your personal data, for which, we ask you to consult the WIX privacy policy at the following link:

11. Cookies

Within the normal operation of WIX, it is normal for the following cookies to be generated:

Nombre                              Dominio                                         Duración                        Propósito

svSession                               Permanente                  Crea actividades y BI

hs                                                 Sesión                       Seguridad

XSRF-TOKEN                        Permanente                  Seguridad

smSession                              Dos semanas                 Identificación de los miembros del sitio (que están conectados)

TS01c69ed0                                                      Sesión                          -

XSRF-TOKEN                                                     Sesión                         Seguridad

_pxvuid                                                              Año y medio                 -

_wixAB3                                                             Seis meses                   -

_wixCIDX                                                       Cuatro meses                 -

_wixUIDX                                                       Cuatro meses                 -

_wix_browser_sess                                                    Sesión                         -

userType                                                         Cuatro meses                 -

wixClient                                                             Sesión                          -

wixLanguage                                                   Cinco años                      -

wixSession2                                                        Sesión                          -

PHPSESSID           Sesión                         Gestión de la visibilidad del aviso legal

12. Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free web analysis tool that mainly allows us to know how users interact with our website.

To perform usage statistics Google Analytics uses cookies in order to know the level of recurrence of our visitors and the content that is most interesting. In this way we can focus our efforts on improving the most visited areas and make it easier for the user to find what they are looking for.


Through this service we can use the information from your visit to perform statistical evaluations and calculations on anonymous data, as well as to guarantee the continuity of the service or to make improvements to our website.

Specifically, the information that Google Analytics makes available to us is the following:

  • Location of the visit up to a “locality” level granularity (therefore includes the continent, country and city)

  • Type of device used (computer, mobile device)

  • Technical data of the devices used, as well as the browser used.

  • Operating system from which the visit is made

  • Screen resolution from which the visit is made

  • Duration of the visit, and duration of the visit of each particular page within the website

  • Knowledge if it is a first visit or if you are a recurring user.

  • Language of the browser from which the visit is made.

  • Demographic data estimation of the person making the visit.


All the above points are available in real time. The management of the cookies necessary for the proper functioning of Google Analytics is carried out through the platform. As previously mentioned, the IP address is considered personal data.

CasaPedrosa, in order to protect the privacy of our users, makes use of the capacity offered by so that Google does not store the complete IP address.

In addition to the above, Google has developed new control mechanisms for data retention that will take effect on 05/25/2018. These control mechanisms allow defining the time that must pass for the data at the user and event level stored by Google Analytics to be automatically deleted from the Analytics servers.

The option chosen by CasaPedrosa is 14 months, this being the most favorable for our users since it is the one that ensures a shorter data life time

You can consult this information at the following link:


CasaPedrosa has no responsibility in the use that Google makes of your personal data, for which, please consult the following privacy policy at Google:

13. Google Analytics cookies

Nombre                                Duración                        Propósito

__ga                                         2 años                           Se usa para distinguir a los usuarios.

__gid                                        24 horas                       Se usa para distinguir a los usuarios.

__gat                                        1 minuto                       Se usa para limitar el porcentaje de solicitudes

__utma                                    2 años                           Se usa para distinguir usuarios y sesiones

__utmt                                    10 minutos                   Se usa para limitar el porcentaje de solicitudes

__utmb                                    30 minutos                 Se usa para determinar nuevas sesiones o visitas

__utmz                                    6 meses                        Almacena la fuente de tráfico

__utmv                                    2 años                           Se usa para almacenar datos de variables personalizadas de visitante

14. Option to disable cookies

All Internet browsers allow you to limit the behavior of a cookie or disable cookies within the settings or options of the browser itself. The steps to do it are different for each browser, instructions can be found in the help menu of your browser.


If you do not accept the use of cookies, since it is possible thanks to your browser's preferences menus or settings, or to reject them, this website will continue to function properly without the use of cookies.


You can allow, block or delete the cookies installed on your computer by configuring the options of the browser installed on your computer:

Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox

Internet explorer


Safari for IOS (iPhone, iPad)

Flash Cookies

Through your browser, you can also see the cookies that are on your computer, and delete them as you see fit. Cookies are text files, therefore their content can be opened and read. However, the data within them is almost always encrypted with a numeric key that corresponds to a session on the Internet, so the information is often unreadable and only makes sense to the recipient of the cookie.

15. Changes in the Privacy Policy

In the event that we modify this Policy, in whole or in part, the changes will be published on this page and, where appropriate, you will be notified by email or when you use the website. The new Policy may be displayed on the screen and you may need to read and accept it to continue using the site.

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